Wildflower Viewing:
The forests and wetlands of the Carpenter Lake area are the habitat of beautiful wildflowers. In May and prior to development of an extensive leaf canopy, the floors of the hardwood forests are decorated with an assortment of delicate woodland flowers ranging from the tiny May Flower to the Adder's Tongue and Trillium. Shaded and damp areas are the home of Nodding Trillium, the stately Jack in the Pulpit, Marsh Marigold and Dutchman's Breeches. Somewhat later in June the Lady Slipper Orchid emerges in shaded areas; dry places such as roadsides are embellished with the Wild Rose while the Blue Flag Iris and an assortment of water lilies grow in wetlands.
More Pictures of Ontario's Wild Flowers
A progression of flower species can be observed through the summer with a peak of possibly the most beautiful and delicate varieties occurring in late May to early June. Many flowers can be observed along the Carpenter Lake road and in short trips on hiking trails or by canoeing to marshy areas. Bring along a flower identification book and camera and enjoy the wildflowers.