2025 Rates & Packages
Use the table below to calculate the cost of your stay at Carpenter Lake. For example, a family or group of up to and including 4 people can stay for three nights in Little Bear (a small cabin) for $327.00 or in Big Sky (a large cabin) for $576.00. Prices include all taxes and cabin renters have free use of boats. Note that 3 nights is the minimum stay and only week-long reservations (Saturday to Saturday) are available from late June through early September.
We accept cash, debit, Visa, MasterCard and e-transfers. We request a deposit equivalent to 20% of the fee to guarantee a reservation.
Rates: Carpenter Lake Cabins, 2025
Prices are in Canadian dollars; fair exchange is given on other currencies. Rates are for a family or up to 4 people. The daily fee for each extra person above 4 is $35. The daily fee for a pet is $10. Cabin fees include all taxes. Cabin rental includes free use of boats. Weekly Fishing Special includes use of an outboard motor, tank of fuel or battery, limited transportation to remote lakes and use of all boats on remote lakes. ATV parking: free in designated areas. The minimum stay is 3 nights and only Saturday to Saturday reservations are taken for late June to early September.
The incidental rates, listed in the table below, describe additional expenses that you may have. Note that free use of a boat is provided with each cabin rental. You would have a boat fee only if you need more than one boat each day.