Local Attractions:

Carpenter Lake Cabins is situated within a 1.5 hour drive of small towns including Thessalon, Bruce Mines and Echo Bay on Highway 17 and the major centers of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario and Michigan. Basic amenities including food, fuel and lodging are available through grocery stores, gas stations and motels in the small towns whereas a wider range of shopping and entertainment can be found in the twin Saults. Some local attractions are listed below.

The closest restaurants include the Bavarian Inn, Bobbers and the Sportsman's Grill in Bruce Mines and Sunset Beach, Sinton Tavern and Carolyn Beach restaurants in Thessalon. Bobbers and the Carolyn Beach restaurants have scenic overviews of Lake Huron from the dining rooms.

Motels nearest to Carpenter Lake include the Bavarian Inn in Bruce Mines (705-785-3447) and the Carolyn Beach Motel in Thessalon (705-842-3330).

Forestland Clothing and Gifts in Thessalon offers a range of outdoor clothing and souvenirs. Stop at the General Store in Little Rapids (a few kilometers north of Thessalon) or McClellands Hardware in Desbarats to experience rural variety stores. Purchase home-grown fruit, vegetables and bread from the Mennonites at the Desbarats Country Produce Center about 1 km north of Desbarats or at numerous, local road-side vending sites. Sault Ste Marie Ontario and Sault Ste Marie, Michigan have many shopping opportunities ranging from small locally owned stores to the major chain stores. One example is the Station Mall at 293 Bay Street in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario (www.thestationmall.com) that includes over 100 stores and eating establishments.

Local towns and the twin Saults offer a variety of things-to-do, some of which are unique to the north. In Bruce Mines, tour the Simpson Mine Shaft and visit the museum both of which highlight local, century-old copper mining activities. Consider a one-day train tour on the famous Algoma Central Railway (www.agawatrain.com) to experience the majestic beauty of Algoma. For those who are interested in aircraft, the Bushplane Museum on Bay Street in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario (www.bushplane.com) hosts many restored float planes and aircraft that were the principal means of access for years in northern Ontario. If you like gaming, you can try your luck at Gateway Casino on the Canadian side (www.gatewaycasinos.com) or Kewadin Casino on the American side (www.kewadin.com). Both have a variety of slots and table games. Kewadin Casino has big-name entertainment at the 1500 seat Dream Makers Theatre.

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